Grade Level - 9-12 AD
Alex Cross is a DC cop, turn retired FBI agent, turned DC cop again. For those who have not read the books, the characters in this series are Detective Alex Cross, his grandmother Nana Mama, his 3 children Damon, Janelle (Jannie), and Alex Jr., his police officer girlfriend Brianna (Bri) Stone, and best friend (also a DC police officer) John Sampson.
This book begins with the grusome killing of Cross's niece. As Cross investigates her murder, more people go missing and evidence connecting the cases begins to mount.
During the mayhem, a Cross family member suffers a medical crisis and her life hangs in the balance.
Alex's search for the killer leads him to many unexpected places, even the White House.
Almost forgotten in this work is Cross's ex-best friend, former FBI agent Kyle Craig, serial killer extraordinaire, who plays a bit part near the end.
The book has lots of twists and keeps you guessing "whodunit" to the end.